Computer Glasses Canada
In our digital world, computer glasses are becoming increasingly necessary. If you spend any significant time looking at your computer, tablet or phone then computer glasses are for you. Not only can prolonged exposure to screens disrupt your natural sleep cycle, but they can cause long-term eye strain and damage.
Digital Eye Strain
Digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome can be alleviated with computer screen glasses. The symptoms of DES present themselves as a group of problems which can include blurred vision, watery eyes, difficulty concentrating, dry eyes, eye redness, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, eye discomfort, double vision and more. Prolonged damage to the retina can lead to macular degeneration.
Often these symptoms will go away on their own when you step away from your screens but with work, we often don’t have the luxury of stepping away for too long. Also, you don’t want to deprive yourself of leisure time gaming, scrolling or watching a movie because you have used up all of your screen time during the workday. Computer glasses are the answer.
Consider computer glasses in Canada, if you are experiencing any discomfort from screen use or want to prevent any significant damage and discomfort in the future. Screens are not going away any time soon, so protect and make yourself comfortable with glasses for computer screens.
Computer Glasses
Computer glasses filter out blue light and help to prevent eye strain. A protective coating is applied to the lenses that can also boost screen contrast and reduce glare. You can wear computer glasses for the whole duration of the day without any negative effects on your eyes.
Our computer glasses come in a wide range of styles for anyone who wants visual clarity. They come in styles that will not only block blue light but UV light as well. You can find options with amber or clear lenses as well as those designed for gaming or for simple computer use.
Blue Light Glasses and Sleep
Computer glasses are sometimes called blue light-blocking glasses. That’s because blocking blue light is one of the main benefits of glasses for computer screens. Blue light is part of the natural spectrum of light, the same as other colours like red, green, and yellow. Healthy eyes should be exposed to all colours but traditionally we absorbed the majority of blue light from being outdoors in the sun. Today, we are being exposed to blue light 24 hours a day, in different ways.
Most of the light in LED screens from our computer, tablets and phones is blue light. This is interfering with our circadian rhythm, especially when these devices are used in the evening. The blue light is signalling to our body to stay awake when we should be winding down and producing the body’s sleep hormone melatonin.
Computer Screen Glasses for All Ages
People of all ages can benefit from computer screen glasses. However, children and those over the age of 40 have sometimes been highlighted. That’s because children’s eyes are not as developed as ours and people over the age of 40 begin to experience age-related vision loss. Sometimes, mature people will require vision correction for reading or performing other near tasks. Computer screen glasses can help with strain but don’t protect against underlying issues so always go for regular examinations if you suspect something is amiss.
Computer Glasses Canada
Work in comfort or watch and play longer. Our selection of computer glasses are designed to meet the needs of our changing world. Choose from a wide range of styles from the industry’s top brands like Gunnar. It is an affordable and stylish way to proactively protect your eyes. Shop now and choose the right ones for your lifestyle.